Hi Carmine,
I just bought your book (4/2020) with the intent of developing a STM32 motor control project for a commercial product. But, I will probably also work on other 32-bit ARM projects as well. Given my intent should I proceed with the Eclipse/plugin approach or use the STM32CubeIDE ? I am currently using a free version of Keil that is only good for <32k ram.
Is TrueStudio still available since they were absorbed by ST? As of today the STM32CubeMx still has the option to output a project for TrueStudio, STM32MCubeIde and Keil. I’m looking for the correct path forward for the next 3-5 years, can you give me your perspective? I question whether ST will continue to support STM32CubeIde.
Your book is very helpful and I’m spending a lot of time reading 😉 The quality of the content is very high. You did a good job with the language, I’m impressed. The learning curve from 8 and 16-bit parts to STM32 seems very steep.