Horrayy! Success :). Thank you, will keep digging towards “Hello World!”.
Hei, thank you for speedy responses. However, the new path according to the book left me with exactly the same problem. If you could explain what the last command ($ ../src/openocd -f board/<nucleo_conf_file>.cfg) is trying to achieve I might be able to investigate the cause further. Sorry, but I’m no expert in command line stuff.
While I’m still working on the wget part, I did try the package install and it did not help a thing. Same error message as before when I try to connect the board.
Thank your for your reply. However this gives even more crazy error response 🙂
-bash: wget: command not found
unzip: cannot find or open 169db31.diff.zip, 169db31.diff.zip.zip or 169db31.diff.zip.ZIP.
patch: **** Can’t open patch file 169db31a.diff : No such file or directory
“.zip.zip” seems a very wrong idea to try to find or open indeed 🙂